In Lady Gaga’s Concert, Britney Spears Tweets To Let Her Fans Know
June 10, 2010 by TweetWonder
Filed under Twitter News
Last night was the first highly anticipated Lady GaGa Monster Ball concert held at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California. The stars came out to see the performer, including Britney Spears who took to Twitter to let her fans know that she was going to the concert. Lady GaGa has taken the world by storm. With each and every new hit song, she gains more fans who can’t wait to see what next part of the singer’s artistic vision will be expressed in future projects. She is a global superstar who writes her own music, and yes, certainly has the voice of a superstar.
Spears wrote via Twitter:
“On my way to go see @LadyGaga – Brit”
Even Perez Hilton joined in on the tweeting, and said to his followers:
“@ladygaga Britney is in the building! #PayingRespect”
Britney Spears is reportedly getting ready for her return to the world of music as she is working on her next album.
Luxury Brands Online
June 10, 2010 by TweetWonder
Filed under Twitter Basic Tips
Mosnar Communications a leading luxury PR firm and luxury brand blog announced today that influence of luxury experts on Twitter can be resourceful for luxury brands online. Citing that established Twitter profiles Tweeting about luxury related subjects can help luxury brands build credibility online.
CR Cataunya Ransom, lead publicist for Mosnar Communications says luxury brands can benefit
from forming strategic brand relationships with luxury experts on Twitter. Ransom stresses that many luxury brands still don’t know how to engage in social media environments and can use the expertise of those respected online for delivering luxury communications. She reveals that her firm uses their specialized Twitter profiles to target, engage, market, and promote luxury brands. Which in return Ransom feels allows the individual Twitter profiles owned by luxury brands to gain credibility.
“We have invested heavily over the last two years in Tweets that engage and target luxury audiences,” stated CR Cataunya Ransom.
Using luxury brands are able to search for Twitter experts that have influence on specific subject matters. Topsy ranks Ransom’s Mosnar Communications (@MosnarComm) in the top percent for expert Tweets about luxury which their algorithmic approach view the profile influential.
13 Ways To Get Your Blog Posts Retweeted
June 10, 2010 by TweetWonder
Filed under Twitter Basic Tips
What’s the huge deal about getting retweeted? If you have a ton of followers who are engaged, and you’re pleased, then why should you care if they retweet your junk?
If you’re using Twitter for business reasons, you should care. And here’s why:
1. Measure Engagement
Retweets are an indication of how engaged your followers are. If they aren’t retweeting any of your posts, chances are they don’t find them that fascinating.
2. Follower Attrition
Some of the folks who are singing your praises now will be gone in six months. That’s because you can’t be all things to all people all the time (and you shouldn’t being trying to). People grow, they change and have different needs as time goes on. New people who follow you because of a retweet they saw will take their place. It’s not personal, it’s just business.
3. Measure Content
Getting retweeted is partially a function of excellent content. Or at least excellent headlines. 😉
How To Get Retweeted
1. Be Relevant – A survey conducted by Dan Zarrella found that people share content because they thought it was relevant for someone they know. In other words, try and stay relevant to topics your followers want to hear about.
2. Write Pithy Headlines – On Twitter all we have is 140 characters. How would someone like Shel Silverstein tweet?
3. Include links – Dan also found that retweets tend to have more links. 56.69% of retweets contain a link versus 18.96% of normal tweets.
4. Add your own thoughts – One huge limitation with Twitter’s retweets is that you can’t edit the tweet before retweeting. Tools like Seesmic and Tweetie give users a second option of “quoting” the tweet where you can edit it to your liking.
5. Break News – Be the first to share breaking news on a topic. Know beforehand what might be newsworthy before it trends by making a Google or Tweetbeep alert.
6. Not About You – Dan also found that talking about the color of your underwear won’t get retweeted as much as talking about the color of Madonna’s underwear.
7. Nurture Community – People that make trust with their community tend to be retweeted more than those who lack any connection to their followers. Don’t forget the really simple mind map I showed you yesterday to frame community development.
8. DM a Retweet request – You can also send a private message asking for a retweet. This has to be used sparingly or you’ll quickly drain your social equity account. Also, make it simple and DM a link to the tweet you’d like retweeted.
9. Use your iPhone – The Retweet app lists the top retweets. Retweeting the valuable posts sparingly will increase your exposure to new users.
10. Embed Retweets – Place a “ClickToTweet” link in your email newsletters and particular blog pages. Read “How To Get More Email Subscribers With Embeded Retweets“ for more info.
11. Timing – Dan also found that 4:00PM is the when the most retweets happen. Especially on a Friday.
12. Say Please – Dan also found that saying please also increased the likelihood that someone would retweet your post.
13. Say Thank You – People like to be acknowledged when they retweet your post. Plus it’s just polite.
Twitter as a Business Strategy
June 10, 2010 by TweetWonder
Filed under Twitter SEO Tips
The LinkedIn “Sales and Marketing Professionals Promoting HighTech and Technology in Los Angeles and its Vicinity”, the largest LinkedIn group in Los Angeles with about 4000 members, and growing.
LinkedIn Group “Sales and Marketing Professionals Promoting High-Tech and Technology in Los Angeles” invites you to the first group’s networking reception and panel which is produced in association with iHollywood Forum at the conclusion of their 7th annual Digital Media Summit. Over 250 are expected to attend from LinkedIn members and the Digital
Media Summit attendees. The cocktail party is from 6pm-9pm on Wednesday, July 29 at UCLA Covel Commons.
We have added Twitter 101: How Businesses Can Leverage Twitter to Boost Sales as a main topic for the event following to the recent announcement of Twitter 101 – So what does Twitter do for businesses?
Twitter Launches Text-Based ‘Fast Follow’
June 10, 2010 by TweetWonder
Filed under Twitter Basic Tips
Twitter on Wednesday introduced a “quick follow” option that will let people receive Twitter updates from specific users without making an account of their own.
If someone who is not on Twitter, for example, wanted to receive updates from my Twitter feed, they could send a text message to 40404 with [follow ChloeAlbanesius] in the body of the text message. Twitter will then text that person with my future tweets.
Twitter said the feature will make it simple for people to get quick updates from people or companies they hear about on-the-go.
“Try it out the next time you see a Twitter @username at a restaurant or store, on a billboard or on TV, or if you hear one mentioned on the radio,” Twitter’s Leland Rechis wrote in a blog post.
To appear on someone’s followers list, you’ll have to make an account.
Quick follow is currently only available in the U.S., but Twitter is working on bringing it to other countries, Rechis said.
Another way to sign up to receive tweets via text is to click the mobile phone icon at the top of a Twitter user’s page. Next to the “Follow” or “Following” button is a photo of a cell phone. Click it and you’ll get a text message every time they tweet.
If you just want someone’s most recent tweet, text [Get ChloeAlbanesius], and Twitter will send the latest update. To take a break from text-based tweets, text [off] to 40404 and [on] to turn them back on. That works with specific user names as well, by texting [on ChloeAlbanesius] or [off ChloeAlbanesius], for example.
In other Twitter news, Mashable reported that Twitter will soon launch an official “Tweet” button that Web site owners can embed in their Web sites. Clicking it will send that tale to your Twitter feed, and a counter will track how many times it has been tweeted.
Many sites already have a “retweet” button, which does the same thing, but that is produced by Tweetmeme; this would be directly from Twitter.
When questioned about the feature, a Twitter spokeswoman said to “stay tuned.”
How can you avoid unpleasant things on Twitter
June 10, 2010 by TweetWonder
Filed under Twitter SEO Tips
So many new people now joining Twitter who have no thought what they are doing. People updated the excellent and terrible conversation as they like. They debating surrounding topic whether this excellent or terrible development. But you can monitor what they saying, how awesome is that. If you build a network of Twitter followers and actively engage them, they’ll not only loyally but defend you reputation for you spontaneously.
People who seek to take advantage from this social networking may make unpleasant experience for you or another users. The specific character traits that you have to avoid to delight in your Twitter are the people who want to sell their social media systems, all information you need is available on line and free , no cost to pay. Report and blocking people that claims can help you and show how to make money online by sending fee to theme. But there are people who are selling value things online. So you better check it carefully.
Avoid any account that uses sexuality, either with language, an provocative avatar or sexual background image. The internet is free you don’t need any middle man avoid someone who facilitates that. Any one who writes negative things about person, people, religion or even them selves. Gives your network something positive to re-tweett, it provides an opportunity to proactively manage your reputation. For example your tweeting about alert of global warming ,social works, up dated a wisdom words that maybe can impress your followers ,and a lot of positive opinion about how to make world more peaceful to live with. If fantastic technology used by finest people it can make world more friendly. Now you can start avoiding people who up dated negative opinion and less of positive things. Do not wasting your time tweet rubbish and un pleasant things.
WordPress Mobile App Teams on Twitter
June 10, 2010 by TweetWonder
Filed under Twitter Basic Tips
Are you gripping the edge of your seat in anticipation of the upcoming WordPress mobile app releases? Do you have an insatiable desire to follow the development teams’ every go? Well, you’re in luck!
The WordPress mobile app teams will be sharing the latest news, status updates, beta team instructions, and random quips in 140 characters or less via Twitter. Follow the Android team, the BlackBerry team, the iOS team, all three, or maybe just two. Even if you don’t have a Twitter account, you can use Twitter’s new Quick Follow feature to have the latest news from the mobile app teams sent straight to your phone (standard text messaging rates apply).
Marketing on Twitter
June 10, 2010 by TweetWonder
Filed under Twitter SEO Tips
One of a social networking and micro blogging service called Twitter instantly updated information and wide variety of topics. Up dated all your activity, location and describe your current status everyday and every time. Like the meaning of Twitter : “a chirps from bird”, it’s simple to stay updated. As long as your mobile phone web – enable. Followers will response with your up dated and give comments .Twitter visible by default and can restrict message delivery to your friends list. So it’s simple to know what they doing while connected. It is a fantastic way to keep in touch.
People now want to making money and get the benefit from any social networking. If you want to make money online start a blog, write quality content, get traffic, monetize your traffic with third party advertising. That is all you need to do. How can you make this social net working as a media to promote and acknowledge to followers and grow your online business effectively. Use the articles marketing , focus and details. Post a kinds of personal info, links, to useful resources and promotional items. Headline is the most vital reckon, use an fascinating words and should be held to under 80 characters. You don’t want to be shortened to the point where the most vital part- the tiny URL is missing.
After the headline, your article marketing must involves giving and receiving elements. If you release something new, send these people a quick direct message. You willing them to Retweet to their followers? You better question nicely. Your valuable members are people who retweet your retweet. Show them same courtesy outlined. Remember, the more followers you have, the more people listen to you, and the simpler it is to spread your messages. It’s a simple strategy, people use tools to auto-follow anyone who follows them. So you can easily get followers. Using Twitter for marketing is more effective with a better follower list. Who follows you is the most vital than number of followers because of the responsiveness of your audience. Grow your online business affordable and efficiently with Twitter.
The #1 Secret to Follow Friday Success
June 10, 2010 by TweetWonder
Filed under Twitter Marketing Tips
Have you ever been the lucky recipient of a #followfriday or #ff from a friend on Twitter?
It’s a fantastic feeling when someone goes out of their way to recognize you as a resource for fantastic insight and connection on Twitter. Recognition for being someone worth following is fantastic for those trying to figure out the point of Twitter.
But, the common practice for a typical #followfriday tweet is to pack as many of your favorite followers into 140 as possible. While this strategy is fantastic for pinging people in your network to let them know you’re thinking of them, it also can appear cheap and potentially a small off putting if the group of folks you include don’t have much in common.
Now, it’s rare that folks are really offended by being included in a #followfriday. Most do in fact like to be included and recognized in some way by their followers. Some may even get a few new followers because of the referral.
As with most situations in life, but, #followfriday offers people the opportunity to cut through the noise with valuable tweets that make signal and meaning for folks.
The #1 Secret to Follow Friday Success
Something folks like even more than simply having their Twitter handle included in a mass #ff tweet is when someone devotes an entire tweet to something they specifically peg as a reason to follow somebody.
By taking an extra five minutes to break apart your #ff tweets and doing individual #ff tweets instead, you’re showing your followers that you value something specific about what they’re doing. It’s another level of respect you’re paying forward to the folks you value in your Twitter stream.
1) Use the entire 120 or so characters (How to Get Retweeted – The Formula) to describe something specific and incredible about the people whose tweets you value the most. For my handle (@dayneshuda) I can get away with leaving 15 characters available.
2) Include #ff
3) Include a Website (preferably the actual URL vs. a shortened version…for branding)
4) Give a specific reason for people to follow
Problogger Follow Friday
Lara Kulpa Follow Friday
Benefits of Going the Extra Mile
I’ve been trying to do this each Friday (although I do miss some) for some of my favorite folks on Twitter and the response has been wonderful and more than I could have imagined.
The folks that I highlight in detailed #followfridays are generally very thankful to be highlighted in a specific way. They seem to appreciate that someone takes the time to recognize their hard work in a field or for being a fantastic friend and someone worth following because of their personality.
Sometimes in response (but never expected) folks have responded with similar, detailed tweets about me. It’s a nice small bonus for making the gesture.
What about your #ff experiences?
Do you leave detailed #ff tweets or the more well loved styled #ff tweets?
What are some pros and cons of each?
Related articles on Twitip
#followfriday Revolution
Did @PhilBaumann Just Save Follow Friday?
Follow Friday; Too Much of a Excellent Thing?
How to Get Ignored on Twitter
June 10, 2010 by TweetWonder
Filed under Twitter Marketing Tips
Twitter is a fantastic tool for people and business but many still use it incorrect or just have no clue what’s going on. Some of these people are mis-informed and some know their terrible practices but just don’t care. I’m guessing most people don’t want to get ignored on twitter. It’s kind of like showing up at a party and not having a single person talk to you. Who wants that?!
So here are some things that will get people to ignore you on twitter!
1. Talk about yourself
This is simple. People don’t want to hear all about you! Twitter is not a platform to yell and scream your message, thoughts or show off how smart you are. Well really it can be but it has to be done tastefully. You need to be asking people questions. Don’t sit back and talk about how smart you are. Question others what their take is or if they have something fascinating to read or simply how their day was.
It’s just like a party. Would you approach a weirder and say “Hi my name is and I do this and I live here and I like this etc etc”. No! You want question them something and get them talking and before long they will be asking you questions.
2. Auto DM
Auto Dms are a sure way to get you ignored. It’s simple to tell when someone sends an auto DM and no I don’t ever want to randomly check your stuff out. The huge thing with auto dm’s is they make you look like you just want to sell something or use twitter to drive traffic. You don’t care on an individual level you just want to see if a few people will click through and then its a success. But you will generate a lot more sales and a lot more traffic by taking the time to manually DM people or simply by engaging on twitter.
At the same time some auto DMs are not that terrible. Example: “Yup this is an auto DM but I just wanted to say hi and I’m looking forward to chatting on twitter. Have a fantastic day!”
I can live with that and even though I don’t know how much excellent it does I don’t reckon it hurts you in anyway.
3. Question anyone to sign-up or buy something
This is an automatic ignore! It’s perfectly fine to question someone after a few conversations and if your product is on topic with what you have been discussing. But if you lead with or simply blast out messages about how fantastic your product is or newsletter is I am turning the other way. Possibly even unfollowing because I don’t want to hear your pitches if I haven’t had a chance to talk with you yet.
This is also a sure fire way to look like a spammer. Spam can be a huge problem on twitter and accounts are constantly getting shut down everyday to try and keep up with the problem. So if you start pitching anything you’re walking a fine line because people are constantly on the lookout for spammers and will be quick to judge you.
4. Don’t @answer anyone
The point of twitter is to talk to people. So start talking! I have heard from multiple people and I do this myself, if I check out your twitter profile and I don’t see any @answers in your stream I am immediately turned off from your account. It’s not the end of the world but its not a positive mark. People want to follow people who are going to talk with them. There are only a few select huge shots who can get away without replying to people. But if you’re new in the game you have to not only start conversations but make that effort to answer to every single person who engages you even if it is just a retweet. You still should say thank you!
5. Talk about making money online
Have you ever heard “I can teach you to make money online” or “I can make you rich”. If you’ve been on twitter then you have. You might very well make people rich or teach people very effectively to make money online. But you can’t lead with that on your twitter account!
Show people you know what you’re talking about by linking up resources and providing actionable advice. But just saying you’re going to make someone rich will send followers running!
6. Don’t follow anyone back
Reckon you’re to excellent to follow anyone back? Well that’s ok because you won’t have anyone following you soon enough! Its by no means mandatory to follow everyone back or follow 10’s of thousands of people. But show that you are willing to follow people back if they are fascinating enough. If you have had numerous conversations with some one and they come to find you’re not following them back that is a mis-step. It’s nearly a slap in the face to find that you can’t DM the person you’ve been talking to for weeks or months because they don’t want to follow you.
But don’t be worried to point it out to some one before you jump to conclusions. Some times they don’t even realize they are not following you!
7. Use all capitals
Maybe it’s just me but I can’t stand when someone is writing in all caps. It can be very awkward to read and gives off that sense that you are yelling something. It’s fine to highlight a word but avoid using all caps when having a normal conversation with someone.
8. Place people down
It’s ok to not like someone or to unfollow someone but to announce it to the world? That is looking childish. Don’t make announcements that you are unfollowing someone or constantly blasting and company or service. If I see that in a persons twitter feed I am immediately turned off because they come across as a very negative and childish person.
Also don’t constantly engage in arguments or fights on twitter. It’s all public and not only can it be looked up forever but I sure don’t want to be following someone who seems like their out to pick a fight. I’m not on twitter to stir up controversy just to do it. I’m there to meet fascinating people and hopefully make some new friends along the way.
My favorite is when someone combines my previous point about writing in all caps and announces that they are unfollowing someone. I guess they are making their statement but I sure won’t be following someone who finds it necessary to announce something like that.
What are things that set off an alert in your head to ignore someone on twitter?